Save for KIDS - Save for GREEN

Let’s help reduce global warming by recycling used plastic bottled water to make “piggy bank”. The savings will be used to support disadvantaged children.

Everyone will enjoy the 4 easy steps:

  • Step 1: Register with CCF Foundation by calling 02 747 2600 OR Line ID: ThaiCCF
  • Step 2: Collect used plastic bottled water from offices or schools and turn them into “piggy bank” by cutting the hole on top of the bottle. Then, please give a call to CCF Foundation to obtain “Save for KIDS - Save for GREEN” sticker that indicates the name of your organization or school. CCF Foundation also provides bottled ready with stickers. It would be great if the management encourages and motivates staff or students to participate in this campaign by offering some small rewards.
  • Step 3: Make a daily saving from coins that often make your bag too heavy. Another way is to make a resolution to eat less snacks, drink less coffee and smoke less cigarettes. The saving of 20 or 30 Baht a day for 3-4 months or even longer.
  • Step 4: Schedule the date for “counting” your saving. CCF Foundation will bring the coin counting machine for “free” (at no cost). Receipt will be given to donors for tax deduction.

Benefits of this Campaign

  • Disadvantaged Children will receive support from CCF Foundation activities as follows: “Breakfast for KIDS” program enhances children’s health and increase concentration during their study.  (Statistics from Department of Health states that 30% of student age 6 – 11 years does not have breakfast; Statistics from Mahidol University states that more than 70% of student age 6 – 12 years is likely to lack vitamin A, C D, iron and calcium). “Home Based Food Security” program provides livestock (chicken, duck, and pig) or seeds to the community for their daily food supplies or as a way to earn extra income.
  • Participants to this campaign also mean that they follow the King’s sufficiency economy philosophy, build discipline on finance and show social responsibility by sharing their saving to the disadvantaged children while helping to reduce plastic waste as well as reduce global warming.
  • Organizations or schools that participate in this campaign, as a result, strengthen the unity and increase the social responsibility of their personnel by helping to build the future of the nation.

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