Southern Child Smiles Again

The long time on-going unrest in the southern part of Thailand since 2004 has now become even more severe. There were more than 8,500 violence incidents during this period in which 5,300 lost their lives and left more than 10,000 injured (sources from Internal Security Operations Command).  Among the death, 62 were children, and 374 children were injured. Many thousands of children in the area are indirectly impacted by the unrest. (Sources from Deep South Watch)

CCF Foundation has initiated the project “Southern Child Smiles Again” since 2009 to help the orphanage that are psychologically impacted and are facing difficulty in their day-to-day living due to the loss of their family head which means losing the major income. On top of that, these children’s lives are filled with fear and uncertainties, not knowing when the situation will be safe enough for school to run regular classes. Children lost their right to basic education and hence are unable to develop themselves at full potential.

Your support is needed for these important tasks:

  • Providing long-term (on-going) scholarship to 300 children at 5,000 Baht per child
  • Extending training to teacher and student core leader for the "Open the Intelligence World" campaign
  • Extend teacher training in 120 schools on how to apply art therapy to heal children’s mental health affected by the unrest in the area
  • Provide basic supplies for daily needs and education materials to needy children

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