In Following our Father’s footsteps

13 October 2016, the day that marks great loss for the whole nation of Thailand, the day our beloved late King Bhumibol Adulyadej passed away.

Dignitaries from all over the world came to offer their condolences. CCF family, with our way to show deep condolences to our Father, we would like to educate the youngsters and share with them the intelligence of our late King Rama 9 so they know Him more and get inspired to follow His footsteps in doing good deeds. We have organized special activities under the campaign "CCF, In Following Our Father’s Footsteps".

1. Taking an oath of allegiance, “We are going to follow our Father’s footsteps”

CCF created a special front page in our website for everyone to visit and make pledges in following His footsteps. 6,747 visitors have signed in (From 13 October 2016 to 20 January 2017)


2. 2. A tribute to King Bhumibol Adulyadej by 471 CCF children

22 November 2016 outside Bangkok Grand Palace: We brought 471 kids from Chiang Mai, Mae Hongsorn, and Tak as representatives from all CCF children in 36 provinces, to mourn the passing of late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and to pay tribute to the incredible contribution the King made to Thailand, his people and the world during his life.

3. CCF Family Days, under the theme "In Following our Father’s Footsteps"

Our CCF Family Day project has regularly run in Bangkok. The activity is supported by our kind sponsors, to give their sponsored children opportunity to step out of their small villages to see the world outside their communities. The children get to visit interesting places and see their sponsors. Together, they participate in various activities including learning more about their beloved late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and drawing is one of the activities they did. Pictures were created to remind everyone of Him and His good deeds he had done for us all, and for us to take it more serious in following His words.

4. CCF’s "In Following our Father’s Footsteps", in writing

So far, we have included 23,407 children from 29 provinces to attend activities under the theme "In Following our Father’s Footsteps" in Bangkok. The related documentaries have been displayed so they get to learn more about our great Late King. They then tried their best to write down what they can do to brighten up their little world by doing good deeds, inspired by their beloved King.

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